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Nail Fungus Removal – Genesis Plus – Rocklin

Nail fungus, whether it occurs on the fingers or toes, is an extremely frustrating condition that causes nails to become discolored and brittle. Chipped, discolored nails can be a major eyesore and cause embarrassment and even pain. However, with Genesis Plus laser nail fungus removal, there is an effective solution. There are many types of nailRead More

Microdermabrasion – Rocklin Skin Rejuvenation

Microdermabrasion can help you achieve the vibrant, flawless skin you’ve been looking for. Dermabrasion is a procedure that basically “refinishes” the skin and is useful for removing light blemishes on all types of skin. Microdermabrasion is a lighter type of dermabrasion. The procedure requires some local anesthesia to numb the area that is being treated. TheRead More

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